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On the subject of 2024

Speed up means test reforms, new government urged »

On July 23rd, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (22 July 2024) Only people living in very deep poverty will be eligible for legal aid next year if means test thresholds are not lifted sooner and adjusted to reflect recent inflation, according to fresh research commissioned by the Law Society. In May 2022 – a year before the previous government finally […]

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‘Oven-ready’ Arbitration Bill introduced to parliament »

On July 19th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Michael Cross >> (19 July 2024) Legislation to modernise the 1996 Arbitration Act – including measures allowing arbitrators to make summary awards on claims that have no prospect of success – returned to parliament yesterday, a day after being announced in the King’s speech. The Arbitration Bill, introduced by justice minister Lord Ponsonby, follows a […]

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Family court transparency pilot extended to private law cases »

On July 16th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (15 July 2024) A family court reporting pilot is being opened up to include even more private law cases as part of the judiciary’s work to increase transparency and improve public confidence in the family justice system. Subject to anonymity rules, media reporters and legal bloggers have been able to report on […]

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Society begins TA6 consultation process »

On July 11th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (10 July 2024) The Law Society has begun a six-month consultation process on its TA6 property information form after postponing compulsory use of the latest version in order to engage with members. The form was updated to support National Trading Standards guidance on ‘material information’ required for property listings. Chancery Lane said […]

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Criminal court statistics delayed over quality concerns »

On July 4th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Bianca Castro >> (3 July 2024) Quarterly criminal court statistics have been delayed for quality assurance following ‘concerns about the quality of key data inputs’, it has emerged. The Ministry of Justice was due to release the latest statistics into the volume of cases received through the criminal court in England and Wales, including figures […]

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Press Release »

On June 24th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024,MT UK Press Release.

London: 24 June 2024 – Team MT UK along with other 18000 walkers have celebrated 20th anniversary London Legal Walk on 18 June 2024. Legal professionals from England and Wales with Team MT UK started the Legal Walk from Carry Street to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust (LLST), an independent Charity Trust […]

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Society to consult on TA6 property information form »

On June 14th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Gazette Reporter >> (14 June 2024) The Law Society has put on hold the compulsory use of its revised TA6 property information form while it consults with conveyancing members. In a statement today, the Society’s chief executive, Ian Jeffery, said: ‘As a profession we must embrace change and a key role of the Society is […]

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Ethnicity attainment gap evidence should be ‘wake-up call’ for the sector »

On June 4th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (4 June 2024) Students from minority groups have often experienced racism and teachers’ low expectations of their capabilities. They do not see themselves reflected in the staff teaching at law schools and universities. Their learning is affected by microaggressions and bias in the classroom. With their confidence and self-belief knocked, they find […]

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Early legal advice: MoJ report reveals pilot problems »

On May 10th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (10 May 2024) An evaluation of the Ministry of Justice’s early legal advice pilot has laid bare the reasons for poor take-up by residents with housing, debt and welfare problems. However, the pilot’s value-for-money modelling suggests £1 spent on early legal advice would generate £4.10 in ‘public value benefit’. In March, MoJ […]

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SQE results fiasco: £250 ‘goodwill payment’ on its way »

On April 26th, 2024 MTUK Solicitors wrote on the subject of 2024.

By Monidipa Fouzder >> (26 April 2024) Candidates wrongly told they failed the Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) should get their £250 ‘goodwill payment’ shortly, the Solicitors Regulation Authority said yesterday. The regulator stressed that the £250 is not in lieu of compensation. An error in the way the results were calculated saw 175 of the […]

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