Tel: 0203 319 3643

Fax: 0208 894 5300

Emergency: 0750 625 5550


A situation may develop where, following a Home Office visit, your sponsorship license is being suspended. You will have normally an opportunity to provide your explanations to the Home Office decision within 20 days of receiving the suspension notification.

Team MT UK (Immigration and Human Rights Department) can provide crucial legal advice in relation to your position and assist in preparing full response with supporting documentation that can lead to your license being reinstated.

The Home Office may follow on from suspension, decide to revoke your license all together.

This can only be challenged by way of judicial review proceedings. In recent times judicial review process has become a complex legal process and the Home Office decision can only be challenged if it has acted unlawfully.

Team MT UK (Immigration and Human Rights Department) can advise you on the merits challenging the revocation including the prospect to resolve this matter through pre-action protocol procedure. Team MT UK (Immigration and Human Rights Department) can advise you on making an application for “interim relief” to sponsor overseas labour/migrants whilst the proceedings are pending.

Services Provided

  • Receiving your instructions and analysing the same.
  • Advising you on law and procedure – all legal requirements under the immigration rules on suspension/revocation.
  • Studying carefully the Home Office letter on suspension/revocation.
  • Advising on further explanations/documentary evidence required and settling bespoke representation with supporting evidence/explanation seeking to reinstate or withdraw the revocation.
  • Advising you on likely implications on your overseas workforce with possible remedies.
  • Advising you on making an application for “interim relief” to protect your already engaged overseas workforce or to continue to sponsor overseas workforce.
  • Advising on the outcome of the representation/application in the court including any further steps to be taken.


Category of Costs: Agreed/Fixed Costs

Costs: Average costs from £5,000.00

(All quoted figures exclude VAT unless specifically stated; if chargeable, VAT shall be charged @ 20%).

On average this type of work takes 25 hours to complete.  Nonetheless, number of hours depend on the complexity of the case.

Costs quoted do not include:

(All quoted figures exclude VAT unless specifically stated; if chargeable, VAT shall be charged @ 20%).

Who will carry out the work:

  • Solicitor/Director assisted by a Paralegal
  • All work supervised by the concerned Director